My Time At The Gathering Of The Juggalos 2024!

A little introduction to myself as a juggalo.

As far as juggalos go I am definitely a bit of a baby. I first discovered Insane Clown Posse about half way through 2023. They were introduced to me by my girlfriend. My very first song was Hocus Pocus which I think is perfect. I listened to them the same way most people do when they first discover a new artist. Hit shuffle on their greatest hits.

Now I've listened to much more of their music, my favorite album is Bang Pow Boom. And my favorite song is Imma Kill U.

Insert pic of me in bang pow boom paint

I really wanted to go to The Gathering Of The Juggalos this year. It was expensive since I needed to get a plane from Alaska to Ohio. Plus my cut for the costs with the people I was sharing the Airbnb + Food with. But it was worth every penny.

I knew I vibed with the community from the start. I love horror and dark shit, and the music is just fucking good. But I knew that this event would be when I would prove to myself if I was a juggalo or not.

To say I felt like I was home would be an understatement.

So I'm just gonna break down everything I got up to, starting with...

Day One

Pic of me day one

One of the downsides of having to plan all of your events with other people. Is you tend to be late for shit. I wanted to be there asap for Pop Karaoke because I love karaoke. But we were a full hour late, and I didn't get to perform. But it was a lot of fun.

Later at the same stage I checked out Bazooka Sharkz which was a punk band that fuckin rocked.

Pic of bazooka sharks

I made an effort to check out as many rock and metal artists as a could. I do like hip hop obviously, but I really really like metal. And there were lots of metal artists playing. Which I loved. Next year I really want to check out more artists outside my typical genres.

Next up I checked out the Mr Juggalo pagent which was a lot of fun. TODO EXPAND ON THIS

Then I went back to Omen stage to check out Dying Oath, a metal band which ruled.

After that was The World's Most Dangerous Stunt Show. Which was wild. The dude who won had nailed his nutsack to a table. Other nutsack-related violence included a fan, a weed wacker, and a 6 pack. One of the props was a Slap Chop. Like from the commercials. I don't think it ever got used since I missed the first half of it.

Then we all went back to our airbnb for the midday portion to rest up. We also bought some Faygo. Which was exciting because it isn't sold in Alaska. It can't even be shipped here. Not even through Amazon. Anyhoo the first flavor I had was black cherry. And it was so good I don't understand why people would buy coke products when they have Faygo availible to them. But the true trial was their Cola.

I am exceptionally autistic when it comes to cola. I've tried basically all of them and I am very specific in my tastes. Assuming Coca-Cola is the baseline. The flavor profile can verge either toward a caramel flavor, or a lemon lime flavor. There is also the teeth numbing chemical bitterness of pepsi some colas like to learn toward. I do not bother to rate these colas.

My cola of choice is Sam's Cola from Walmart. I personally prefer a lemon-lime flavor profile, and Sam's fits that while not tasting quite as sweet as Coke. It is my goto. But I've found Faygo Cola to be right inbetween Sam's and Cola. In fact it tasted so similar to Coke I found it difficult to decide how I feel about it. It is a little less sweet than Coke which is, in addition to the price, is why I would reach for it over a coke. Unfortunately if you put a Faygo Cola and a Sam's infront of me. I'd reach for the Sam's. Sorry! But the Black Cherry flavor was amazing, I also quite enjoy Red Pop. I was only able to try, like, 4 flavors. And I would love to try more. My friend says Peach is delicious.

Next the group split up. Half of us went to the Queen of Cheeks contest. And me and a few other's went to check out Bible Belt Massacre. Sorry, I'm more of a tits gal than an ass gal. And honestly worth it, Bible Belt Massacre was one of my favorite artists there. They are SUPER new too. And I hope I get to see more of them.

Next me and the group met up, hung around the bazaar for a bit. And then went over to macabe stage for the JCW Tryouts. I had never been a huge fan of wrestling. But I wanted to check it out. And I was sold. The tryouts were pretty amature, but it was a ton of fun. I was definitely going to check out the full on JCW Lunacy the next day.

And that was the end of day one. I had a lot of fun and was ready for more. But I was jetlagged and tired. So me and the gang went home. We got some Whitecastle (which I had never had before and honestly was bussin) and went to sleep.